Future Impact Of Artificial intelligence & Robotics On Employment Opportunities.

"Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are a powerful combination for automating tasks inside and outside of the factory setting." Increased efficiency and effectiveness demands have proliferated increasing usage of robotics in every aspects of life. Automation has become an integral part of any individual's daily routine. With simple automation, the ultimate control still lies in the hands of human where they set controls for each input to the machine. However, with increasing developments in the field of artificial intelligence, there has been an increasing shift towards providing autonomy to the machine itself. Artificial Intelligence and robotics are two powerful technologies and their collations result in even powerful facet of technology. A plethora of applications can be performed efficiently with the usage of artificial intelligence and robotics, and thus eliminating the needs of human labor. For More Information @ https://bit.ly/3a0yM8b Increasing needs of...